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Glookbib search for: zz0324

%T European Conf. on Computational Biology
%K ECCB, ECCB02,2002, ECCB2,ECCB03,2003, ECCB3,ECCB04,2004, ECCB5,ECCB06,2006,
   ECCB9,2010, ECCB10,2011, ECCB11,2012, ECCB12,2013, ECCB13,2014, ECCB14,2015,
   ECCB22,2023, ECCB23,2024,
   bioinformatics,MolBio,conf,CFP,www,HREF,http, zz0324, zz0125
%X [16-20 Sept 2024] Turku .fi, deadline 14 March 2024
   [23-27 July 2023] Lyon, deadline 19 Jan 2023

%T European Conf. on Machine Learning (ECML)
%K ECML, ECML14,2003, ECML,2004, ECML16,2005, ECML17,2006, ECML32,2021,
   ECML33,2022, ECML34,2023, ECML35,2024,
   CFP,conf,AI,Euro,EEC,www,HREF,http, zz0224, zz0324, zz0225, zz0226
%X [9-13 Sep 2024] Vilnius, deadline 15 March 2024
   [18-22 Sep 2023] Torino, deadline 26 March 2023
   [19-23 Sep 2022] Grenoble+online, deadline jrnl 11 Feb, conf 21 March 2022

%T Maximum Entropy and Bayesian Methods Workshop
%K MAXENT, MaxEnt, MaxEnt17,MaxEnt97,1997, MaxEnt21,2021, MaxEnt22,2022,
   MAXENT23,2023, MAXENT24,2024,
%X [1-5July 2024] Ghent, deadline 15 March 2024.
    [3-7 July 2023] Garching, deadline 20 March 2023
   [18-22 July 2022] Paris, deadline 5 April 2022

%T Int. Conf. on Types for Proofs and Programs
%K TYPES, type, proof, program, theory, CFP,conf,www,HREF,http, Types23,2017,
   Types24,2018, Types25,2019, Types26,2020, Types27,2021, Types28,2022,
   Types29,2023, Types24,2024,  zz0324, zz0326, zz0326
%X [10-14 June 2024] Copenhagen, deadline 11 March 2024.
   [12-17 June 2023], Valencia, deadline 6 March 2023.
   [20-25 June 2022], Nantes, deadline 9 March 2022
   . . .

%A A. Yu. Kitaev
%T Quantum measurements and the Abelian stabilizer problem
%J arXiv
%D 1995
%K TR, c1995, c199x, c19xx, zz0324, hidden subgroup problem, HSGP,
   quantum computing, quantum Fourier transform, factoring, eigenvalue,
   unitary operator, group
%X "We present a polynomial quantum alg. for the Abelian stabilizer problem
   which includes both factoring & the discrete logarithm. Thus we extend famous
   Shor's results. Our method is based on a procedure for measuring an
   eigenvalue of a unitary operator. Another application of this procedure is a
   polynomial quantum Fourier transform alg. for an arbitrary finite Abelian
   group. The paper also contains a rather detailed introduction to the theory
   of q.comp'n."
   -- [arxiv:quant-ph/9511026]['34].
   Also see HSGP@[wikip]['24].
   [Also search for: hidden subgroup problem HSGP].

%A M. Ettinger
%A P. Hoyer
%A E. Knill
%T The quantum query complexity of the hidden subgroup problem is polynomial
%V 91
%P 43-48
%D 2004
%K jrnl, c2004, c200x, c20xx, zz0324, IPL, hidden subgroup problem, HSGP, group,
   maths, quantum computing
%X "...a q.alg. which identifies with certainty a hidden subgroup of an
   arbitrary finite group G in only a polynomial (in log|G|) # of calls to the
   oracle. This is exponentially better than the best classical alg.. However
   our q.alg. requires exponential time, as in the classical case. Our alg.
   utilizes a new technique for constructing error-free algs. for non-decision
   problems on q.computers."
   -- [doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2004.01.024]['24],
   Also see  HSGP@[wikip]['24].
   [Also search for: hidden subgroup problem HSGP].

%A N. Cotumaccio
%T Enhanced graph pattern matching
%J arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, maths, graph pattern, match, stats
%X "Pattern matching queries on strings can be solved in linear time by ...
   (KMP) alg.. In 1973, Weiner introduced the suffix tree of a string & showed
   that the seemingly more difficult problem of computing matching statistics
   can also be solved in liner time. PM queries on graphs are inherently more
   difficult: under the Orthogonal Vector hypothesis, the g. PM problem cannot
   be solved in subquadratic time [TALG 2023]. The complexity of g. PM can be
   parameterized by the topological complexity of the considered g., which is
   captured by a param. p [JACM 2023]. ... we show that, as in the string
   setting, computing matching statistics on g. is as difficult as solving
   standard PM queries. ... introduce a notion of longest common prefix (LCP)
   array for arbitrary gs.."
   -- [arxiv:2402.16205]['24].

%A T. Lecroq
%T A fast implementation of the good-suffix array for the Boyer-Moore string
   matching algorithm
%J arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, good, suffix, string, search, pattern,
   matching, strings
%X "... The good-suffix table is tricky to compute in linear time. Text book
   solns perform redundant operations. Here we present a fast implementation for
   this good-suffix table based on a tight analysis of the pattern. Experimental
   results show two versions of this new implementation are the fastest in
   almost all tested situations."
   -- [arxiv:2402.16469]['24].

%A J. Graham White
%A E. Southgate
%A J. N. Thomson
%A S. Brenner
%T The structure of the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
%J Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. B
%V 314
%N 1165
%D 1986
%K jrnl, MolBio, c1986, c198x, c19xx, zz0324, animal, worm, nematode,
   Caenorhabditis elegans, Celegans, neurons, synapses, connectome,
   connections, network
%X "The structure & connectivity of the nervous system of the nematode
   Caenorhabditis elegans has been deduced from reconstructions of electron
   micrographs of serial sections. The hermaphrodite nervous system has a total
   complement of 302 neurons, which are arranged in an essentially invariant
   structure. Neurons with similar morphologies & connectivities have been
   grouped together into classes; there are 118 such classes. Neurons have
   simple morphologies with few, if any, branches ..."
   -- [doi:10.1098/rstb.1986.0056]['23].
   [Also search for: MolBio connectome]  and  [also search for: Celegans].

%A A. Robert
%A P. Kl. Barkoutsos
%A S. Woerner
%A I. Tavernelli 
%T Resource-efficient quantum algorithm for protein folding
%J NPJ Quantum Inf.
%V 7
%N #38
%D 2021
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, protein, 3D, folding, structure
%X "... we present a model Hamiltonian with O(N^4) scaling & a corr. q.
   variational alg. for the folding of a polymer chain with N monomers on a
   lattice. The model reflects many physico-chem. properties of the p., reducing
   the gap between coarse-grained rep'n & mere lattice models. [&] we use a
   robust & versatile opt'n scheme, bringing together variational q.alg.
   specifically adapted to classical cost fns & evolutionary strategies to
   simulate the folding of the 10 amino acid Angiotensin on 22 qubits. The same
   method is also successfully applied to the study of the folding of a 7 AA
   neuropeptide using 9 qubits on an IBM 20-qubit ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41534-021-00368-4]['21].
   [Also search for: quantum computing algorithm].

%A Min Deng
%A Jinhan Yu
%A D. G. Blackmond
%T Symmetry breaking and chiral amplification in prebiotic ligation reactions
%J Nature
%V 626
%P 1019-1024
%D 2024
%K jrnl, MolBio, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, DNA, protein, chiral, chirality,
   handedness, left, levo, dextro, life, evolution
%X "... Here, in studying a new prebiotically plausible route to proteinogenic
   peptides, we discovered that the reaction favours heterochiral ligation (that
   is, the ligation of l monomers with d monomers). Although this finding seems
   problematic for the prebiotic emergence of homochiral l-peptides, we
   demo., paradoxically, that this heterochiral preference provides a mechanism
   for enantioenrichment in homochiral chains. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07059-y]['24].
   (Also see [doi:10.1126/science.z7lwj33]['24].)

%A A. M. Lindkvist
%A L. Koppel
%A G. Tinghog
%T Bounded research ethicality: researchers rate themselves and their field as
   better than others at following good research practice
%J Sci. Reports
%V 14
%N 3050
%D 2024
%K jrnl, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, scientific research, academia, university,
   ethics, survey, Sweded, Linkoping
%X "Bounded ethicality refers to people's limited capacity to consistently
   behave in line with their ethical standards. Here, we present results from a
   pre-registered, large-scale (N=11,050) survey of researchers in Sweden,
   suggesting that researchers too are boundedly ethical. Specifically,
   researchers on average rated themselves as better than other researchers in
   their field at following good research practice, and rated researchers in
   their own field as better than researchers in other fields ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41598-024-53450-0]['24].
   [Also search for: scientific research ethics].

%A L. Messeri
%A M. J. Crockett
%T Artificial intelligence and illusions of understanding in scientific research
%J Nature
%V 627
%P 39-58
%D 2024
%K news, views, c0224, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, AI, chatGPT, scientific research
%X "... we develop a taxonomy of scientists' visions for AI, observing that
   their appeal comes from promises to improve productivity & objectivity by
   overcoming human shortcomings. But proposed AI solutions can also exploit our
   cognitive limitations, making us vulnerable to illusions of understanding in
   which we believe we understand more about the world than we actually do ...
   The proliferation of AI tools in science risks introducing a phase of
   scientific enquiry in which we produce more but understand less. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07146-0]['24].

%A E. Nagel
%A J. Newman
%T Godel's Proof
%D 1958
%K book, text, c1968, c195x, c19xx, zz0324, maths, incompleteness theorem,
   proof, provable, logic, mathematician, logician, STEM, Kurt Godel
%X Also see 'In Retrospect: Gödel's proof', A. Hodges
   -- [doi:10.1038/454829a]['24].

%A F. Hindriks
%A I. Douven
%T Nozick's experience machine: An empirical study
%J Philos. Psych.
%V 31
%N 2
%D 2017
%K jrnl, c2017, c201x, c20xx, zz0324, AI, the matrix movie, SciFi, philosophy,
   Nozick, psychology, simulation, happiness, reality
%X "... In this thought experiment, people can choose to plug into a m/c that
   induces exclusively pleasurable experiences. We test Nozick's hypothesis that
   people will reject this offer. We also contrast Nozick's experience m/c
   scenario with scenarios that are less artificial, & offer options which are
   less invasive or disruptive than being connected to a m/c, specifically
   scenarios in which people are offered an experience pill or a pill that
   improves overall functioning."
   -- [doi:10.1080/09515089.2017.1406600]['24].
   Also see the [bbc][24/3/2024].

%A G. Leuenberger
%T The substrate-prior of consciousness
%D 2021
%K essay, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, philosophy, brain, mind, consciousness
%X "... Given functionally equivalent minds, how does the expected quantity of
   their conscious experience differ across different substrates & how could we
   calculate this?  We argue that a realistic digital brain emulation would be
   orders of magnitude less conscious than a real biological brain. On the other
   hand, a mind running on neuromorphic hardware or a quantum computer could in
   principle be more conscious than than a biological brain."
   -- pdf@[]['24].

D. K. F. Pang
%T The staggering complexity of the human brain
%J Psych. Tody
%D 2023
%K news, views, c2023, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, human, brain, neurons, synapses,
   complexity, size, estimate
%X "... The brain contains around 86 billion neurons, 85 billion other cells,
   & over 100 trillion connections. ... The total length of this complex fibre
   n/w is est. to be ~500,000km or over 310,000 miles long (Science Daily,
   2017). ..."
   [Also search for: brain complexity].

%A C. Efferson
%A et al
%T Super-additive cooperation
%J Nature
%V 626
%P 1034-1041
%D 2024
%K jrnl, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, human, animal, behaviour, cooperation,
   reciprocity, PD, IPD, social
%X "Repeated interactions provide an evolutionary explanation for one-shot human
   cooperation that is counterintuitive but orthodox. Intergroup competition
   provides an explanation that is intuitive but heterodox. Here, using models
   & a behavioural experiment, we show that neither mechanism reliably supports
   cooperation. ..."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41586-024-07077-w]['24].
  (Also see [doi:10.1038/d41586-024-00308-0]['24].)
   [Also search for: PD IPD].

%A L. M. K. Vandersypen
%A et al
%T Experimental realization of Shor's quantum factoring algorithm using
   nuclear magnetic resonance
%J arXiv
%D 2001
%K TR, c2001, c200x, c20xx, zz0324, quantum computing, qubit, qubits, NMR, spin
%X "... Here we report an impl'n of the simplest instance of Shor's alg.:
   factorization of N=15 (whose prime factors are 3 & 5). We use seven spin-1/2
   nuclei in a molecule as q.bits, which can be manipulated with room temp.
   liquid state nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. ..."
   -- [arxiv:quant-ph/0112176]['24].

%A S. Barz
%T Quantum computing with photons: introduction to the circuit model, the
   one-way quantum computer, and the fundamental principles of photonic
%J J. Physics B: Atomic, Molec. and Opt. Physics
%V 48
%N 8
%D 2015
%K jrnl, Physics, c2015, c201x, c20xx, zz0324, quantum computing, photon,
   photonics, light, polarisation, polarization, polarised, gate, gates
%X "... tutorial reviews the fundamental tools of photonic processing.
   The basics of theoretical q.computing are presented & the q.circuit model as
   well as measurement-based models of q.computing are introduced. Furthermore,
   it is shown how these concepts can be implemented experimentally using
   photonic qubits, where information is encoded in the photons' polarization."
   -- [doi:10.1088/0953-4075/48/8/083001 ]['24].
   [Also search for: quantum computing], maybe add 'photon'.
   Also see ph@[wikip]'24].

%A S. Graf
%A S. Peyton Jones
%A S. Keidel
%T Abstracting denotational interpreters
%J arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, abstract, semantics, static analysis,
   interpreter, datatype, type, types, trace, traces, PeytonJones
%X "... By parameterising our denotational interpreter over the semantic domain
   & then varying it, we recover dynamic semantics with different evaluation
   strategies as well as summary-based static analyses such as type analysis,
   all from the same generic interpreter. ..."
   -- [arxiv:2403.02778]['24].

%A P. Niroula
%A Yunseong Nam 
%T A quantum algorithm for string matching
%J NPI Quantum Info.
%V 7
%N #37
%D 2021
%K jrnl, eJrnl, c2021, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, string, pattern, search, algorithm,
   quantum computing, strings
%X "Algs. that search for a pattern within a larger data-set ... we present an
   explicit, circuit-level implementation of a q. pattern-matching alg. that
   matches a search string (pattern) of length M inside a longer text of length
   N. ... has a time complexity of ~O(sqrt N), while the space complexity
   remains modest at O(N+M). We report the q.gate counts relevant for both
   pre-fault-tolerant & fault-tolerant regimes."
   -- [doi:10.1038/s41534-021-00369-3]['24].
   [Also search for: quantum algorithm strings].

%A D. Hendrian
%A D. Koppl
%A R. Yoshinaka
%A A. Shinohara
%T Algorithms for Galois words: Detection, factorization, and rotation
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, combinatorial, Galos word, alternating,
   Lyndon, strings
%X "... a Galois word exhibits the same property by exchanging the lexicographic
   order with the alternating order. Unfortunately, this exchange has a large
   impact on the properties G.words exhibit, which makes it a nontrivial task to
   translate results from Lyndon words to Galois words. Up until now, it has
   only been conjectured that linear-time algs. with constant additional working
   space in the spirit of Duval's alg. are possible for computing the Galois
   factorization or the Galois rotation. ..."
   -- [arxiv:2403.02636]['24].

%A T. Kociumaka
%A J. Nogler
%A P. Wellnitz
%T On the communication complexity of approximate pattern matching
%K arXiv
%D 2024
%K TR, c2024, c202x, c20xx, zz0324, communication complexity, match, strings,
   communicationComplexity, edits
%X "The decades-old Pattern Matching with Edits problem, given a length-n string
   T, a length-m string P, & a +ve int. k (the threshold), asks to list all
   fragments of T that are at edit distance at most k from P. The one-way
   communication complexity of this problem is the minimum amount of space
   needed to encode the answer so that it can be retrieved without accessing the
   input strings P and T. The closely related Pattern Matching with Mismatches
   problem (defined in terms of the Hamming distance instead of the ED) is
   already well understood from the communication complexity perspective ...
   we prove an upper bound of O(n/m.k log^2 m) bits ..."
   -- [arxiv:2403.18812]['24].
   (Also see CommComp@[wikip]['24].)

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